
This is an annual report on the research activities in the field of optical
communications and high-speed electron devices for 1994 at Faculty of
Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology.

These activities are initiated by Professor Y.Suematsu (emeritus, the
former president), and Professor S.Arai [Group A], mainly in the field of
Integrated Dynamic-Single-Mode Lasers and Laser Amplifiers, Low-
dimensional Quantum-well Lasers, and also in the fabrication of ultra-fine
structures; Professor K.Furuya, and Associate Professor Y.Miyamoto
[Group B], mainly in the field of High-speed Electron Wave Devices using
semiconductors, fabrication of ultra-fine structures, and OMVPE growth
techniques; and Associate Professor M.Asada [Group C], mainly in the field
of High-speed Electron Devices using Metal/Insulator Heterostructures, and
also in the theoretical investigation of the properties of Quantum-well,
Quantum-wire, and Quantum-box devices.

This report consists of a brief introduction of the research activities and a
collection of the research papers published in 1994.