2007年 2006年 2005年 2004年 2003年 2002年 2001年 2000年 1999年 1998年 1997年 1996年 1995年 1994年 1993年 1992年 1991年 1990年 1989年 1988年 1987年 1986年 1985年 1984年 1983年 1982年 1981年 1980年 1979年 1978年 著書一覧論文(2001年)
No. | 題名 | 著者名 | 雑誌名等 | link |
[1] | Space charge effect and the step voltages in metal/polyimide/ rhodamine-dendorimer/polyimide/Metal junctions | Y.Noguchi, Y.Majima, M.Iwamoto | J.Appl.Phys., Vol.90, pp.1368-1375 (2001) | DOI |
[2] | Interfacial electrostatic Phenomena in phthalocyanine Langmuir-Blodgett Films under Photoillumination | M.Tsuchida, W.Tsujita, Y.Majima, and M.Iwamoto | Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, Vol.40, pp.1315-1321 (2001) | DOI |
[3] | Analysis of Potential Distribution and Current-Voltage Characteristic in Polyimide Langmuir-Blodgett Films | C.Q.Li, Y.Noguchi, H.C.Wu, M.Iwamoto | Jpn.J.Appl.Phys, Vol.40, pp.4575-4580 (2001) | DOI |
[4] | Interfacial electrostatic phenomena in phthalocyanine Langmuir-Blodgett films | M.Tsuchida, W.Tsujita, Y.Majima, M.Iwamoto | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol.198-200, pp.729-734 (2001) | DOI |
[5] | Analysis of maxwell displacement current generated from chiral phospholipid monolayers | M.Iwamoto, C.X.Wu, and W, Zhao, | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol.198-200, pp.287-292 (2001) | DOI |
[6] | Multilayer formation of oriented helical peptides glued by hydrogen bonding | Y.Miura, G.C.Xu, S.Kimura, S.Kobayashi, M.Iwamoto, Y.Imanishi, J.Umemura | Thin Solid Films, Vol.393, pp.59-65 (2001) | DOI |
[7] | Harmonic expression of surface anchoring energy and homeotropic to twisted planar effect | W.Zhao, M.Iwamoto | Thin Solid Films, Vol.393, pp.73-79 (2001) | DOI |
[8] | Orientational order study of 4-alkyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl Langmuir films by Maxwell displacement current and optical second harmonic generation measurements | A.Tojima, Y.Matsuo, R.Hiyoshi, T.Manaka, Y.Majima, M.Iwamoto | Thin Solid Films, Vol.393, pp.86-91 (2001) | DOI |
[9] | Enhancement of second-harmonic generation for phthalocyanine Langmuir-Blodgett films on metal electrodes | T.Manaka, M.Iwamoto | Thin Solid Films, Vol.393, pp.119-123 (2001) | DOI |
[10] | The waveform separation of displacement current and tunneling current using a scanning vibrating probe | Y.Majima, S.Uehara, T.Masuda, A.Okuda, M.Iwamoto | Thin Solid Films, Vol.393, pp.204-209 (2001) | DOI |
[11] | Effect of metal/organic interface phenomena on the current -voltage characteristics of organic interface phenomena on the current-voltage characteristics of organic single electron tunneling device | T.Kubota, S.Yokoyama, T.Nakahama, S.Mashiko, Y.Noguchi, Y.Majima, M.Iwamaoto | Thin Solid Films, Vol.393, pp.379-382 (2001) | DOI |
[12] | Electron Tunneling Devices Using Organic Ultra- Thin Films and Specific Dielectric Property of Organic Monolayers | M.Iwamoto | Extended Abstracts of the 2001 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, The Japan Society of Applied Physics (2001) | |
[13] | Study of orientational orders in langmuir monolayers by maxwell-displacement current and optical second harmonic generation measurements: I. Theory | M.Iwamoto, T.Manaka, A.Tojima, Y.Matsuo, | Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information, Sendai (2001) | |
[14] | Study of orientational orders in langmuir monolayers by maxwell-displacement current and optical second harmonic generation measurements: II. Experiment | A.Tojima, Y.Matsuo, T.Manaka, and M.Iwamoto | Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information, Sendai (2001) | |
[15] | 有機分子素子工学の現状と新展開」 特集号にあたって, | 岩本 光正 | 電気学会論文集,基礎・材料・共通部門誌巻頭言 , Vol.121-A, pp.593 (2001) | |
[16] | 有機分子素子工学の現状と新展開―有機半導体界面の電子現象 | 小野田光宣, 岩本光正 | 電気学会論文集,基礎・材料・共通部門誌 , Vol.121-A, pp.598-602 (2001) | |
[17] | 走査型振動プローブを用いた変位電流の新しい局所的評価法 | 真島 豊, 岩本 光正 | 電気学会論文集,基礎・材料・共通部門誌 , Vol.121-A, pp.610-615 (2001) | |
[18] | 有機単電子トンネル素子の電流電圧特性における界面空間電荷の影響 | 野口 裕、 真島 豊、 岩本光正 | 電気学会論文集,基礎・材料・共通部門誌 , Vol.121-A, pp.616-621 (2001) | |
[19] | 針-平板電極系におけるポリイミドLB超薄膜の帯電特性 | 福澤 雅弘, 寶満 竜太, 山下 宏, 岩本 光正 | 電気学会論文集,基礎材料・共通部門誌 , Vol.121-A, pp.702-707 (2001) | |
[20] | Electrostatic Properties of Ultra-Thin Polyimide Langumuir-Blodgett Films Biased in a Needle-Plane Electrode System | M.Fukuzawa, M.Iwamoto | IEEE TRANSACTIONS on DIELECTRICS and EI, Vol.8, pp.832-837 (2001) | DOI |
[21] | Maxwell-displacement current-opitcalsecond harmonic generation (MDC-SHG) spectroscopy of organic monolayes | A.Tojima, T.Manaka, M.Iwamoto | Proceedings of the 4th Internaional Conference on Materials for Resources 2001 Akita, Vol.Vol.1, pp.173-178 (2001) | |
[22] | Orientational order study of monolayers at the air/water interface by Maxwell-displacement current and optical second harmonic generation | A.Tojima, T.Manaka, M.Iwamoto | J.Chem.Phys., Vol.115(15), pp.9010-9017 (2001) | DOI |
[23] | Electrostatic Interfacial Phenomena and I-V Characteristics of Au/Polyimide Langmuir-Blodgett Film/AL Element | C.Q.Li, Y.Noguchi, T.Manaka, H.C.Wu, M.Iwamoto | Proceedings of International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials (ISEIM 2001), Vol.1, pp.75-78 (2001) | |
[24] | Electrical Properties of Organic Single Electron Tunneling Device | T.Kubota, S.Yokoyama, T.Nakahama, S.Mashiko, Y.Noguchi, K.Hashizume, T.Manaka, M.Iwamoto | Proceedings of International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials (ISEIM 2001), Vol.1, pp.541-544 (2001) | |
[25] | Spectroscopic Studies of Metal/Organic Interface by Nonlinear Optical Methods | T.Manaka, X.M.Chen, C.Q.Li, M.Iwamoto | Proceedings of 2001 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials (ISEIM 2001), Vol.1, pp.549-552 (2001) | |
[26] | Study of Linear and Nonlinear Dielectric Properties of Monolayers by Maxwell-Displacement Current and Optical second Harmonic Generation Measurements | A.Tojima, T.Manaka, M.Iwamoto | Proceedings of 2001 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials(ISEIM 2001), Vol.1, pp.603-606 (2001) | |
[27] | Determination of Orientational Order Parameters of 4-Alkyl-4'−Cyanobiphenyl Monolayers at the Air-Water Interface by Maxwell-Displacement-Current and Second Harmonic Generation Measurements | A.Tojima, Y.Matsuo, R.Hiyoshi, C.X.Wu, Y.Majima, M.Iwamoto | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Vol.367, pp.53-60 (2001) | |
[28] | Analysis of Voltage-Controlled-Twist Effect using a Generalized Two-Constant Anchoring Energy | W.Zhao, C.X.Wu, M.Iwamoto | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Vol.367, pp.231-237 (2001) |
No. | 題名 | 著者名 | 会議名 | |
[1] | SHG-MDC spectroscopy for Liquid Crystal Monolayers (invited) | M.Iwamoto,T.Manaka,A.Tojima, | Second Angro-Japanese Seminar on Liquid Crystals 5th-7th September Novotel,York,United Kingdom,p.52 (2001) | |
[2] | Defection of tilting phase transition in monolayers at air water interface by maxwell-displacement current and optical-second harmonic generation measurements | M.Iwamoto,T.Manaka,A.Tojima, | OA1,The Ist International Discussion Conference on Nano Interface controled Electron Devices,Kyongju,Korea,pp.12月13日(2001) | |
[3] | 有機エレクトロニックスの誘電物性に関する先駆的研究 | M.Iwamoto | 電子情報通信学会(2001年エレクトロニクスソサイエティ大会講演論文集 (受賞講演),2,pp.167-168 (2001) | |
[4] | 金属/PI LB膜/金属構造素子の空間電荷分布とC-V特性 | 岩本 光正 | 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 OME99-123,pp.57-62 (2001) |